
Friday, 19 February 2016

The Window Seat

This morning (late morning) I showered, dressed, made a delicious cup of coffee and put on my Adele album, just like any Saturday. The chill vibes were overflowing, but I couldn't figure out why. As I sat in the chair next to the window seat in our playroom, I looked at the seat, the windows, through the open window into the garden and at the books that line the wall next to that corner. The air was crisp and the sun was warm, no leftover stench of yesterday's heat and sweat. Suddenly I realised what was different about this beautiful Saturday morning. Autumn was in the air and it made all the refreshing difference. It made the light funnel into the room in warm blocks and lines; the books feel close and nurturing; the terrarium seem cold and damp, unfreezing as the sun touched the glass panes. It was all highly poetic and very pretentious, but I didn't care because it made me feel ecstatic with the promise of something new and overwhelmingly grateful for this lovely nook of nature and books and music and yummy coffee in which I found myself this morn.

Don't know quite what this was, but if you liked it, please, do leave a comment. xx

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

2016 - Gap Year

Hello Come and Play Betsy May readers of 2016! Happy new year and welcome to my blog :)

For me, the beginning of each new year doesn't mean much, except an excuse to get all happy and a tad teary about what you and the people around you accomplished over the last year, or made it through in one piece. But, what always seems to naturally follow such reflections is the chance to set new goals and make a few plans for the twelve months that lie ahead of you. Months that are waiting to be used, enjoyed, completely missed in a blur of business, or wasted binge-watching hours of Netflix while you wallow in a pit of self-pity at the loss of your motivation - because Netflix is definitely the place you will find it again.

So, as always, in the days following my first proper New Years Eve - as it involved the perfect amount of alcohol and dancing with my best friends to live music at a festival- I began to think about how I would keep myself occupied over the next twelve months of not school. 

I decided not to post about my 'New Year's Resolutions' until I had given them a one month test run to see which ones would stick. I did wonder at whether anyone else would find my 2016 plans interesting, but, then I thought, who cares. This year was the first time I enjoyed making plans, because I was at liberty to decide everything for myself, so it felt right to publish them. I am looking forward to a year of working to accomplish them, because I know they will ensure my enjoyment of the majority of the next eleven months.

Anyway, I'll shut up now and just tell you about my possibly exciting and enlightening plans for 2016.

1. Aim to earn at least $50 a week from Etsy shop.

Click to see what's in store!

2. Get a part time or casual job.

3. Start doing Zumba again, and maybe hockey.

4. Do yoga once a day. (I haven't exactly done this, more like every other day, and no one said these were rules...more guidelines)

5. Cook tea once a week. (to give Mum a rest, but, also to make sure I have a good repertoire of meals for next year when I move out.)

6. Read one book each month. (so far I have been successful, and I have decided this was a very good idea for 2016. Highly recommend.)

7. Blog post once a month. (so far, so good - yay!)

8. Make 4 items of clothing this year. (I have made one dress so far this year and have 2 other pieces in the making, I think maybe I should have been a bit more ambitious than just 4, but, there's no harm in over-achieving haha.)

I wore my newly made red party dress to a Boy and Bear concert a few weeks ago!

9. Play the ukulele and piano regularly, sing.

10. Finish a folio or collection of art. (Perhaps to apply to be exhibited in Sawtooth gallery 2017, probably too ambitious, but, there's nothing wrong with dreaming big.)

11. Visit lots of galleries and exhibitions.

12. Travel interstate and visit relatives.

13. Road trip around Tasmania, camping, with best friend.

So there you go. A nice little assortment of creative, recreational, cultural and career goals. Hopefully I will come across extra exciting opportunities on my journey towards these goals as well.

While I enjoy thinking and talking and writing about myself greatly, I have to follow up a post like this with a reminder that there is something which overrides all my personal aspirations - laughing and enjoying every moment with my gorgeous family and beautiful friends. And, as luck would have it, being a part of their lives means I will in turn be a part of their journey to achieving their goals for 2016. Ain't it wonderful that you can do the things you love, while being surrounded, stimulated, inspired and supported by the people you love.

I would love to hear about your plans for 2016, thanks for reading my waffle about youthful epiphanies and post-school freedom.

xx Kate xx